Chaos Orcs Fest III

Orcish Winterland


Bologna, Italy Sat 01-Sun 02 February, 2025

Chaos Orcs Fest III logo

About the Festival

Snowfall in Orcish Winterland

Orcish Winterland is the third edition of the Chaos Orcs Festival: a two-days event featuring Italian Nationals Championship (on Saturday Feb 1st), and an Old School Main event (on Sunday Feb. 2nd). The festival will also host many side events, to be played alongside the main Nationals, or after the SWISS rounds.

Chaos Orcs Fest is a non-profit community event run by volunteers from the Premodern Italia community solely for fun, and for the love of old school M:TG formats.

Chaos Orcs ? WTF?: It is now four years that Orcs reign over old-school MTG nationals tournaments in Italy. Last year, in 2024, we had our festival over the summer: Chaos Orcs Fest: Bologna's Caldera. This year, we have moved the event in a more winterish settings, with Orcish Winterland. However, it will be the same orcs, and the same fun! 🤌 🍝 🍕 There will be many surprises, and new guests will be joining us during the most Chaotic weekend of February ❄️ Stay tuned!!

Chaos Orcs Fest III Banner

Beers (since last year)

Scryfall Search


Dragon Whelps to look after

Slices of Pizza

Piled Cards

Pygmy Hippos

Little Shrimps wannabe Dreadnought


Highlight Image

Chaos Orcs Fest in a Nutshell

  • A whole weekend full of Magic: Saturday Feb 1st, and Sunday Feb 2nd 2025
  • Two parallel Main events for Premodern and Old School, on both Saturday and Sunday.
  • Lots of free side events (e.g. Cube Drafts, Chaos Drafts)

    Chaos Orcs Fest III wants to bring together the Premodern and the Old School MTG Italian community into one single event. A weekend full of fun and Magic, with the old-frame formats we like the most. The festival will feature 2 main events, and many more side events. Check them all out in the tournament Section!

From the Community. For the Community

Chaos Orcs Fest is a community non-profit event, organized solely to support old school Magic. Similarly, the whole event is set to honour the spirit and the values promoted by these formats.

Every event will be played at Regular REL, with three unconditional rules to be enforced:

  1. Fairplay;
  2. Having fun;
  3. Don't be a d&^k ridiculous.

    Competitive behaviours will be tolerated as soon as Rule No. 3 will always be respected.

Live Streaming during the festival

The Nationals championships will be streamed live on internet on Chaos Orcs Fest Official Twitch Channel. During the stream, guest commentators will join us to comment live decks, and featured matches.

Join the Lair of Orcs

We have created a Lair of Chaotic Orcs for easier communication with all participants. So please join the server (if you haven't already). We would love to have you as a fellow Resident Chaos Orc.


Circolo ARCI "Benassi"

Viale Sergio Cavina, 4, 40139 - Bologna, Italy

Tournament Reports

Take a closer look to all the decklists played, the metagame, and cards statistics featured during the festival

Invited Guests

Florinda Zanetti Profile pic

Florinda Zanetti



COX Profile pic




Daniele Orizio Profile pic

Daniele Orizio

Dany Orizio


Supporter Orcs

Supporting Chaos Orcs Fest

Chaos Orcs is (and always will be) a no-profit event organized by, and for the community.
All revenues from event registrations are solely used to cover organizing costs, and prizes!.
If you wish to support Chaos Orcs Fest III, and join the Supporter Orcs! #donate here  

Public shout out to our beloved Supporter Orcs from the community

Orcish Spy (A) - Stefano Coli-@bemoth88dirtynature

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Spy (B) - Andrea Bianconi

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Settlers (Matron) - Daniele Morri

Daniele Morri

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Settlers (Matron)
Orcish Conscript (Colander) - Giamma-@Trando (Giamma FriFlai)

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Mechanics - Samuelebe-@Samsky3265



Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Mechanics
Orcish Conscript (Colander) - Giamma-@Trando (Giamma FriFlai)

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Conscript (Colander) - Giamma-@Trando (Giamma FriFlai)

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Conscript (Colander) - Giamma-@Trando (Giamma FriFlai)

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer
Orcish Conscript (Colander) - Giamma-@Trando (Giamma FriFlai)

Anonymous Orcs

Donated Memorabilia

Orcish Healer

Team a.k.a. Orgs Orcs

If you're ever wondering who's behind this mess

Giamma a.k.a. Trando

Chaos Orcs King Deck: I Play Any Deck In The Format. Sometimes I Have No Idea What I Am Doing.

I am the Mastermind behind the Chaos Orcs Fest, and the left rump, with the Kraken!

Valerio a.k.a. Lotus Vale

Chaos Orc Duke Deck: Combo Decks Is My Jhonny-Jam!

I am the Mastermind behind the Chaos Orcs Fest, and the right rump, with Dreadnought

Andrea a.k.a. Mr. Chiappa

Old Fashioned Orc Deck: Control Player At My Core! The Deck Style!

I am known by many names, and I am the latest addition of the Orcish Gang ✌️

Alessandro a.k.a. Alex

Chaos Orc Shaman, and great performer Deck: Torn Between Aggro And Combo Decks

Coming up with the name for this event was the best idea I've ever had in my life

Fabrizio a.k.a. Fabri

Casual Chaos Orc Deck: Midrange Decks

I am the most orcish of everyone. Orcish Settlers style.

Giulio a.k.a. Anji

Resident Chaos Orc Deck: There Is A Pm Deck In My Name: The Form Of The Anji

I still do not have any idea why I am here!

                                 Profile picture


Ghazban Ogress Deck: I Don't Play Much Lately But I Know My Stuff!

Sponsors & Supporting Vendors

Retromagic - Supporting Vendor

Retromagic Supporting Vendor

Arcana - Orcish Captain

Arcana Orcish Captain

Boose Mtg - Orcish Captain

Boose Mtg Orcish Captain

Mtg Card Universe - Orcish Captain

Mtg Card Universe Orcish Captain

Chimera Trading - Orcish Captain

Chimera Trading Orcish Captain

Cerberus Tcg - Orcish Librarian

Cerberus Tcg Orcish Librarian

Mtg Playmats By Tropporicco - Orcish Veteran

Mtg Playmats By Tropporicco Orcish Veteran

Pastificio Lietti - Orcish Conscript

Pastificio Lietti Orcish Conscript


Frequently Asked Questions

Generally we admit Gold-bordered cards to be used during tournament play, but we discourage using any non-WOTC card products (i.e., fake cads!). However, please double check the requirements in the Rules section of each tournament page for further information.

No. Registrations to tournaments and side events have to be done separately for the time being. So please register to every single tournament you wish to participate to. This is also beacuse registration to multiple events may be different: there are free and non-free events during the festival.

No. Registration to tournaments and side-events are based on a FCFS (First Come, First Served) policy, so date and time of registration will be considered. However, for non-free tourneys, the spot will not be guaranteed until payment has been received. All the information about the payment will be provided via email - so please make sure to indicate an email you do have access to when you are registering to a tournament.

Discord is our preferred way to reach out to participants. There is a forum where you can post quesions, or reply to others maybe having your same issues. You can also reach out to organizers via e-mail, using the email addresses specified in the Team section, or writing to

On the page of each event, you can register to play in the tournament (or join the waiting list if all available slots are taken).

Registration to free events will be automatically confirmed.

For non-free events, after registration, the payment should be sent to organizers, and proof of the payment uploaded on the website. Please make sure to clearly indicate the tournament(s) you are paying for!

After proof has been uploaded, and verified, your registration will be finally confirmed!

All communications will happen automatically over email, therefore we strongly encourage using a valid email adress at the time of registration.

Side events are generally for free (unless differently specified on the tournament page), but with limited available spots.

Registration to these events will work similarly to main events, with the difference that free events will be automatically confirmed. Due to limited avilability, please withdraw your registrations if you can't participate anymore to the side event.

Also: You do not have to register to main events to register to side events! Anyone can come, and play!

Yes - participating to Italian Nationals require players to upload their deck list - and deck photo (of the actual cards!)- on the website. Detailed Information will be sent to participants in due course.

However please bear in mind that this is mandatory! Failing to provide any of those will result in immediate disqualification.

No The website is also available in Italian 🤌🍝

If you're browser is in Italian, you should see this in Italian already - but you can always switch to your preferred language using the buttons in the top nav bar.

Travelling to Bologna is quite convenient, either if you are coming from other cities in Italy, or from abroad. You can take the high-speed train to Bologna station, or fly to Bologna Airport directly. Alternatively, we would recommend flying to either Rome, or Milan and take a high-speed train to Bologna. Note: There are two companies running high-speed trains in Italy: Trenitalia and Italo. Check those website in advance to get better deals on the tickets.

Yes, please! Registration to all side events is necessary for organizational matters. In other words, considering that the overall table seats are limited, knowing how many people would be interested to play a particular side event would help us incredibly with the setup of the space for you. So please do register to side events if you're interested in playing. Many thanks :)

Sadly, you cannot. Considering the frantic organisation we always have on the day of the event to setup tables and streaming, also registering on-site is too difficult to handle. For these reasons, on-site registration will not be possible.