Old School

Winter Blast

Bologna, Italy Sun 02 February, 2025 - 10:15

Old School Winter Blast @ Chaos Orcs Fest III Orcish Winterland logo


Prize Grid for Old School Winter Blast @ Chaos Orcs Fest III Orcish Winterland

Orcish Artillery

The tournament will offer custom cards, playmats, and M:TG Memorabilia as prizes for this event. Prizes will be assigned to the top performing players under the most "chaotic" categories!

Use the following links to navigate the grid of announced prizes!

Prizes assigned to the TOP 8 Best performing players (and more)


1x Blood Moon [DRK]
Blood Moon
Orcish Champion Trophy
Memorabilia: Orcish Champion Trophy

Kindly Designed and Hand crafted by L'incantevole bazar di Lale e Beba

Old School Champion Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old School Champion Totem Trophy

Old School Champion Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Land Tax Cup Free Admission Ticket
Other: Ticket - Land Tax Cup Free Admission Ticket

Free Admission Ticket for the Land Tax Cup Tournament - April, 13 2025 San Benedetto del Tronto - Edelweiss Pub!

Old School Winter Blast Champion
Playmat: Old School Winter Blast Champion

Outstanding piece of original art created for the Chaos Orcs Fest Tournament by the amazing CoX Alters

2nd Place

2x Lightning Bolt Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old School Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old School Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

3rd Place

4x Llanowar Elves Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Llanowar Elves
Llanowar Elves
Llanowar Elves
Llanowar Elves
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old School Semi-Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old School Semi-Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Semi Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

4th Place

4x Dark Ritual Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Dark Ritual
Dark Ritual
Dark Ritual
Dark Ritual
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old School Semi-Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old School Semi-Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Semi Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

5th Place

2x Spirit Link [LEG]
2x Disenchant Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Spirit Link
Spirit Link
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

6th Place

2x Sinkhole Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

7th Place

1x Psionic Blast Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Psionic Blast
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

8th Place

1x Serra Angel Unlimited Edition (2ED)
1x Sengir Vampire Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Serra Angel
Sengir Vampire
Winter Blast
Other: Card Token - Winter Blast

WinterBlast Stamped and Signed by all TOP8 players

Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old Schoool Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy

Old School Quarter Finalist Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

9th Place

First out of TOP8

9th Place Trophy
Other: Wooden Spoon - 9th Place Trophy
Chaos Orcs Fest IV 2026 Ticket
Other: Ticket - Chaos Orcs Fest IV 2026 Ticket

Free Admission ticket for Chaos Orcs Fest IV 2026

High-end card assigned in Raffle - OS style!

Raffle Prize

1x Savannah Revised Edition (3ED)

Community Best Deck brewings and Orcish deeds prizes


1x Amnesia The Dark (DRK)
Old School Hero Totem Trophy
Memorabilia: Old School Hero Totem Trophy

Old School Hero Totem Trophy! Forex-printed, A5 size, with original art created for the tournament by the one and only Florinda Zanetti (aka FZAlteredArt)

Best Unspo

Other: Food - Salame

placeholder image - real prize one may vary :D

Best Deck Photo

1x Glasses of Urza Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Stamped and Signed

Glasses of Urza

Presence of the Master

The most original deck brew

1x Presence of the Master Legends (LEG)
Presence of the Master

Keldon Warlord

The best deck brew with the most creatures

1x Keldon Warlord Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Stamped and Signed

Keldon Warlord

Argivian Archeologist

The best deck brew with the most artifact

1x Reconstruction [ATQ]

Stamped and Signed


Wrath of God

AKA "Combat phase is overrated"! The best deck brew with no creature at all.

1x Hurricane Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Stamped and Signed



Assigned to the player who travelled from the farthest away!

1x Wanderlust Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Stamped and Signed


Prodigal Sorcerer

Most PIMPED Deck

1x Prodigal Sorcerer Limited Edition Beta (LEB)

Stamped and Signed

Prodigal Sorcerer
Circle Protection Art
Other: Token - Circle Protection Art

Stamped and Signed

Old Man of the Sea

The older player in the room

1x Uncle Istvan The Dark (DRK)

Stamped and Signed

Uncle Istvan

Dragon Whelp

The youngest player in the room

1x Apprentice Wizard The Dark (DRK)

Stamped and Signed

Apprentice Wizard

Orcish Deed #1

Prizes assigned live during the tournament (after swiss) to players who distinguish the most in the horde of the orcs for their deeds during the tournament

Orcish Oriflamme UNL
Other: Card Token - Orcish Oriflamme UNL

Orcish Oriflamme UNL Stamped

Orcish Deed #2

Prizes assigned live during the tournament (after swiss) to players who distinguish the most in the horde of the orcs for their deeds during the tournament

Orcish Oriflamme UNL
Other: Card Token - Orcish Oriflamme UNL

Orcish Oriflamme UNL Stamped

🎲 Chaos Orcs Fest III – Charity Raffle! 🎲

Get ready to support a great cause! We're excited to announce our Charity Raffle, where 100% of the proceeds will be donated to LILT (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori) to aid in the fight against cancer.

πŸ“ How to Participate

  • Buy your tickets on-site during the event.

  • Prices: 2 Tickets for 5 Euros; 5 tickets for 10 Euros.

  • The more tickets you buy, the higher your chances to win - and the greater our support for LILT!

πŸ† Raffle Details:

  • Prizes will be drawn after the SWISS rounds.

  • Everyone with a ticket has a chance to win, regardless of their tournament score or if they’ve already won another prize.

  • Event organizers have already donated and will not take part in the raffle.

Join us in making a difference - grab your tickets and support the fight against cancer!


Top Charity Prize: Supported by RetroMagic πŸ’š

1x Tundra Revised Edition (3ED)

Tundra 3ed - kindly supported by RetroMagic πŸ’š


Disenchant Beta

Top Charity Prize: Supporter by MTG Card Universe πŸ’š

1x Disenchant Limited Edition Beta (LEB)

Serra Orcs

Top Charity Prize: Supporter by FZAltered Art πŸ’š

Serra Orc
Memorabilia: Serra Orc

"Serra Orc": "Serra Angel" (Angelo di Serra) Original Alter by FZAlteredArt πŸ’š

LLanowar Orcs

Top Charity Prize: Supporter by FZAltered Art πŸ’š

Llanowar Orcs
Memorabilia: Llanowar Orcs

"Llanowar Orcs": "Llanowar Elves" (Elfi di Llanowar) Original Alter by FZAlteredArt πŸ’š

Orcish Counterspell

Top Charity Prize: Supporter by FZAltered Art πŸ’š

Orcish Counterspell
Memorabilia: Orcish Counterspell

"Orcish Counterspell": "Counterspell" (Contromagia) Original Alter by FZAlteredArt πŸ’š

MTG Puzzling

Magic the Puzzling
Memorabilia: Magic the Puzzling

Magic the Puzzling - Softcover Rosewater. Mark.

Canvas Paint Old-School Trophy

Canvas Paint
Memorabilia: Canvas Paint

Canvas Paint OS Trophy - Original Art kindly donated by Florinda Zanetti (FZAlteredArt πŸ’š)

Prodigal Sorcerer

1x Prodigal Sorcerer Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Prodigal Sorcerer

Giant Growth

1x Giant Growth Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Giant Growth

Ira di Dio (Wrath of God)

1x Wrath of God [FBB]

Wrath of God (Ira di Dio) FBB ITA Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Wrath of God

Duplicatore (Fork)

1x Fork [FBB]

Fork (Duplicatore) - ITA Donated by the Community πŸ’š


Sedge Trolls

Memorabilia from Donation by Samuelebe

4x Sedge Troll FBB Ita (Donated by the Commuynity πŸ’š)


Donated by the Community πŸ’š

2x Sinkhole Unlimited Edition (2ED)

Sol Ring

Memorabilia from Donation by Anonymous

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Personal Incarnation

Memorabilia from Donation by Anonymous

Donated by the Community πŸ’š


Memorabilia from Donation by Anonymous

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Serra Angel

Memorabilia from Donation by Anonymous

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Mind Desire

2x Mind's Desire Scourge (SCG)

Donated by the Community πŸ’š

Mind's Desire
Mind's Desire

Mystery Art

Mystery Alter
Memorabilia: Mystery Alter

Mystery Altered by CoX (created by the artist on site!) πŸ’š