Premodern Draft

Avalance Cube

Side Event - Sat 01 February, 2025 (After Swiss Rounds)

Premodern Draft Avalance Cube @ Chaos Orcs Fest III Orcish Winterland logo

Tournament Rules & Structure

This section contains all the information about the structure of the tournaments, the rules it will abide, and any special notes/restrictions set by the organiser.

Delif's Cube



Premodern Cube Draft

More information in the Format section below.

Info & Structure

Important Dates and Registration

Registrations are now officially closed

Tournament Rules, Format, and More

Format of the tournament

Premodern Cube Draft  ‐  Cube Draft Format

Cube Draft is a casual Magic: The Gathering format where players create a deck using a large pool of cards (i.e. the Cube) selected to play a limited game. The Cube aims to play cards legal for play in the premodern format).

Additional (and optional) rule sets: Players can agree on extra rules before starting their games. Some examples: Mana burn; Damage on the stack; Wishes can get cards in exile.

Draft Rules Description:

Cube Draft encompasses many of the most enjoyable aspects of Magic, combining elements of both Constructed and Limited play, trading, and playing the game with friends.

Players are seated randomly at the table. Once everyone has found their seats, each player opens their first pack, chooses one card from the pack, and puts it face-down on the table. Once done, pass the rest of the pack to the player on your left. Once everyone has passed their packs, you pick up the next pack (located on your right), pick the best card for your deck from that pack put it in your pile, and again pass it to the neighbor on your right. This process continues until all the cards from the pack have been picked.

You then get a review period to look at the cards you have picked and figure out what direction your deck is going. Then you can build your deck, adding as much basic land cards you want to your deck, and require that the deck be at least 40 cards. The standard number of lands in a draft deck is 17–18.

Allowed Sets

The tournament will allow cards from the following sets

Color Legend:
  • : Core
  • : Expansion

Additional Info

Chaos Orcs Fest III doubles down with Cubes and Draft events. On Saturday February 1st a Premodern Cube Draft to be played after the SWISS rounds of the Premodern Italian Nationals

Orcish Catapult