Italian Nationals 2023

Old School

Bologna, Italy Sun 26 November, 2023 - 10:00

Italian Nationals 2023 Old School @ The Chaos Orcs Fest The TWO TOWERS logo


Prize Grid for Italian Nationals 2023 Old School @ The Chaos Orcs Fest The TWO TOWERS

Ivory Cup
The tournament will offer many prizes as cards, gadgets, and M:TG Memorabilia... Prizes will be assigned to the top performing OS players under the most "chaotic" categories! Card prizes are arranged based on players cut-off, based on number of players in the tournament! As always, the more, the merrier.

Use the following links to navigate the grid of announced prizes!

And this is just to begin! More prizes will be announced in the next days!

This is the Prize Grid that is guaranteed, regardless of the final number of players at the tournament.

Place: 1

OS Framed Engrave
Memorabilia: OS Framed Engrave

We finally have received the picture from our friend Ubi . As promised, our prize is very Orbic - and yes, that is not lava! It's mozzarella 🍕

Place: 1

Giorno di Festa
Giorno di Festa
Memorabilia: Giorno di Festa

Best Unspo Deck

1x Regrowth Limited Edition Beta (LEB)


Anyone playing the tournament will be eligible to win this prize!

1x Plateau [FBB]

Place: 1

Italian Championship Winner
Italian Old School Nationals 2023
Playmat: Italian Old School Nationals 2023
More prizes will be announced soon...