Italian Nationals 2023

Old School

Bologna, Italy Sun 26 November, 2023 - 10:00

Italian Nationals 2023 Old School @ The Chaos Orcs Fest The TWO TOWERS logo

Tournament Rules & Structure

This section contains all the information about the structure of the tournaments, the rules it will abide, and any special notes/restrictions set by the organiser.

Orcish Spy 3



Swe Old School

More information in the Format section below.

Gold Border/Pro Tour Cards Yes

Gold Border/Pro Tour cards include cards from World Championship Decks, Community, and International Editions, and any other promo card that is still legal in the format.

NO  Proxy Cards No

Proxy cards refer to any non-genuine or manufactured product, not originally produced by WotC.

Info & Structure

Important Dates and Registration

Registrations are now officially closed
Deck Upload Required

It is mandatory for all registered players to upload their deck info to play this tournament.

This tournament requires:
  • Deck list
  • Deck photo

Deadline for submission : Sat 25 November 2023, 23:59

Instructions for deck upload will be sent by organizers via e-mail after registration to the event is officially confirmed.

Tournament Rules, Format, and More

Format of the tournament

SWE Old School  ‐  Constructed Format

Old School is a casual constructed Magic: The Gathering format using an older or limited card pool, or older rule sets. There are many different variations, often with different rules set regionally by a play group or a local tournament organizer.

This format will consider the so-called Ravenna Rules (aka as the "Italian Rules") used in many major tournaments in Europe. In a nutshell: Same B&R as Swedish rules, with some reprint versions of the cards legal: all cards that (a) Have the same art as the original printing; (b) Have the same frame as the original printing, and (c) Are not foiled. All languages are legal.

This format will extend the original OS format by also including cards from IE/CE sets. No other PROXY cards will be allowed in the format.

Allowed Sets

The tournament will allow cards from the following sets (and reprints!)

Color Legend:
  • : Core
  • : Expansion
  • :
  • Premium_Deck, Promo, Spellbook, Memorabilia

The following special/non-english sets are also allowed:
Intl. Collectors' Edition;  Collectors' Edition;  Revised Edition;  Foreign Black Border;  Summer Magic / Edgar;  Fourth Edition Foreign Black Border;  Fourth Edition;  Chronicles Foreign Black Border;  Chronicles;  Renaissance;  Rinascimento; 

Reprint Policy

Old School with same art, same frame Reprint Policy!

IE/CEI cards allowed. Foil not allowed!

Any other fake/proxy card not printed by WotC won't be allowed.

Any fake card spotted during game will be sanctioned with expulsion.

For example:

  • Birds of Paradise 4ed is allowed.
  • Birds of Paradise 7ed is not allowed.

Banned List

  • Bronze Tablet
  • Contract from Below
  • Darkpact
  • Demonic Attorney
  • Jeweled Bird
  • Rebirth
  • Tempest Efreet

Restricted List

  • Ancestral Recall
  • Balance
  • Black Lotus
  • Braingeyser
  • Channel
  • Chaos Orb
  • Contract from Below*
  • Darkpact*
  • Demonic Tutor
  • Library of Alexandria
  • Mana Drain
  • Mind Twist
  • Mishra's Workshop
  • Mox Emerald
  • Mox Jet
  • Mox Pearl
  • Mox Ruby
  • Mox Sapphire
  • Regrowth
  • Sol Ring
  • Strip Mine
  • Tempest Efreet
  • Time Walk
  • Timetwister
  • Wheel of Fortune

Rules Enforcement Levels (REL) are a means to communicate to the players and judges what expectations they can have of the tournament in terms of rigidity of rules enforcement, technically correct play, and procedures used.


We will play at Regular REL. Organizers & Judges together will be there to make sure that everything flows; to answer any rules questions, or solving weird board states and disagreements.

Regular REL

Most Magicâ„¢ players play for fun and see a tournament as a social event. Regular Rules Enforcement Level encourages a welcoming atmosphere and friendly competition. Your demeanor should reflect this, whether you are playing, judging or both. Players and judges are encouraged to help one another at appropriate times, such as during deck construction or between matches. Judges are the last word when a dispute or question arises, and we should be as impartial and diplomatic as possible. Source:

More details about Pairings


Pairings will be generated using SWISS Rules, considering a number of playable rounds determined by the total number of players.


  • 09 to 16 players = 4 rounds;
  • 17 to 32 players = 5 rounds;
  • 33 to 64 players = 6 rounds;
  • 65 to 128 players = 7 rounds;
  • 129+ = 8 rounds.

Top 16, 8, or 6 will be calculated, depending on the total number of players.

New rounds (and therefore pairings) will be played as soon as all players played theirs.

Each round will be 50 minutes

Orcish Oriflamme

Tournament Prizes

Orcish Captain


The tournament will offer many prizes as cards, gadgets, and M:TG Memorabilia... Prizes will be assigned to the top performing OS players under the most "chaotic" categories! Card prizes are arranged based on players cut-off, based on number of players in the tournament! As always, the more, the merrier.

Prizes Grid

Curious to see the chaotic prizes we are ready to offer to the most performing orcs (along with memorabilia to all participants?)

Have a sneak peek at our shiny and slimy prize grid here