Italian Nationals 2024 Old School @ Chaos Orcs Fest II Bologna'S Caldera logo

Italian Nationals 2024

Old School

Bologna, Italy Sun 07 July, 2024 - 10:30


Prize Grid for Italian Nationals 2024 Old School @ Chaos Orcs Fest II Bologna'S Caldera

Ivory Cup

The tournament will offer many prizes as cards, custom playmats, and M:TG Memorabilia... Prizes will be assigned to the top performing players under the most "chaotic" categories! We are holding lots of surprises for you!

Stay tuned! Prizes will be announced soon!

Use the following links to navigate the grid of announced prizes!

Guaranteed Prize Grid with 30 Players cutoff

Place: 1

Artwork Card by CoX

Old School card artwork by CoX

OS Framed Engrave by Ubi
Memorabilia: OS Framed Engrave by Ubi

2nd Place

1x Disenchant Limited Edition Beta (LEB)

3rd Place

1x Mishra's Factory Antiquities (ATQ)
Mishra's Factory

4th Place

1x Strip Mine Antiquities (ATQ)
Strip Mine

Best Unspo

1x Su-Chi Antiquities (ATQ)
1x Balance Unlimited Edition (2ED)
Bottle of suleWINE
Memorabilia: Bottle of suleWINE

No! It's not a card

Best Original OS Deck

Memorabilia: Urborg

Art portrait of "Urborg, Legendary land"


Anyone playing the tournament will be eligible to win these prizes!

1x City in a Bottle Arabian Nights (ARN)
1x Copia Artefatto
City in a Bottle
Copia Artefatto

Place: 1

Italian Old School Champion 2024
Playmat: Italian Old School Champion 2024

Italian Old School Nationals 2024 - Champion